offers trademark Office action response filing services for a low flat fee. All we need is the information from our online form to get started. Think hiring an attorney to take over your application and respond on your behalf is expensive? Think again. Our clients praise our low costs, our communication throughout the process, and our results.

Below are trademark Office action examples and information regarding each of the various packages we offer.


Trademark Office Action Response Examples

Please see below for our trademark Office action response service package details:

Administrative Trademark Office Action Response Service ($499)*

1. We are appointed the Attorney of Record for your file

We start by sending you a link to appoint us your attorney. Once appointed, we can correspond with the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) and the Examiner regarding your pending U.S. application.

2. We address or submit what the Examiner requires

We’ll review your file and communicate to the Examiner the proper response to get your mark approved.

3. This service covers up to two errors*

Below are Office action response examples of what is covered with this service:

  • Failure to Disclaim
  • Descriptions of Goods or Services
  • Descriptions of Logos
  • Improper Entity Type or Applicant Nationality
  • Section 2(e)(1) refusal for mere descriptiveness – if amending to Supplemental Register.

* If 3 errors of the above, it will qualify as a Complex Trademark Office Action

Complex Trademark Office Action Response Service ($599)*

1. We are appointed the Attorney of Record for your file

We start by sending you a link to appoint us your attorney. Once appointed, we can correspond with the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) and the Examiner regarding your pending U.S. application.

2. We address or submit what the Examiner requests

We’ll review your file and communicate to the Examiner a response to hopefully overcome their rejection. Some of these responses will require and include citations to statutory and case law supporting your argument. Here, we can’t guarantee results as a lot of the actions depend on your preferences for filing as well as the opinions of the Examiner that you’re assigned. However, we can review the actions and possible outcomes with you prior to hiring our firm.

3. This service covers a little bit more complex responses

Below are Office action response examples of what is covered with this service:

  • 3 or more of the following: Failure to Disclaim, Descriptions of Goods or Services, Descriptions of Logos, Improper Entity Type or Applicant Nationality
  • Improper Specimen
  • Merely a Surname
  • Immoral or Scandalous Matter

Likelihood of Confusion Office Action Response Service ($999)*

1. We are appointed the Attorney of Record for your file

We start by sending you a link to appoint us your attorney. Once appointed, we can correspond with the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) and the Examiner regarding your pending U.S. application.

2. We address or submit what the Examiner requests

We’ll review your file and communicate to the Examiner a response to hopefully overcome their rejection. This response will require and include citations to statutory and case law supporting your argument that the marks cited are not confusingly similar to your trademark. Here, we can’t guarantee results as the likelihood of success hinges on the opinion of the Examiner that you’re assigned. However, we can review the actions and possible outcomes with you prior to hiring our firm.

  • YOU SHOULD KNOW – this rejection is one of the most difficult to overcome, based on USPTO statistics this rejection is affirmed 88% of the time, because essentially you are attempting to convince the Examiner their opinion is incorrect.

3. This service covers the difficult responses

Below are Office action response examples of what is covered with this service:

  • Section 2(d) likelihood of confusion rejections
  • Merely Descriptive
  • Generic Refusals
  • Misdescriptiveness Refusal
  • Geographically Descriptive

*Per Application. Does not include the possible USPTO fee of $100 per international class should the application have to be changed from a TEAS Plus to TEAS.

Review any of the above filing options by clicking here.