• February 10, 2023
  • Brent Sausser
  • 0

The Importance of Working with a US Trademark Solicitor for Foreign Businesses

For foreign businesses looking to do business in the United States, obtaining a U.S. trademark is a crucial step in protecting their brand and establishing a legal presence in the U.S. market. Filing a U.S. trademark can help you avoid legal disputes and prevent others from using similar marks that can confuse consumers or imply an association with your brand. To ensure the best results and navigate the complexities of U.S. trademark law, it is recommended to work with a US trademark solicitor.


Furthermore, it’s important to know that in a lot of cases working with a licensed US trademark solicitor is required. As discussed in our October 30, 2019, “USPTO US Attorney Required for Foreign Filings” blog, new rules were created in 2019 that require foreign-domiciled trademark applicants, registrants, and parties to Trademark Trial and Appeal Board (TTAB) proceedings to hire a U.S.-licensed attorney to represent them at the USPTO.  You can learn more about the requirement through the USPTO, who issued a statement regarding the change.

Here are some of the benefits of working with a US trademark solicitor:

  1. Experience in U.S. Trademark Law

    A US trademark solicitor has the knowledge of U.S. trademark law to guide you through the trademark registration process and ensure that your trademark is protected in the U.S. market. They can help you conduct a thorough search of the U.S. trademark database, choose the right goods and services, and respond to any office actions from the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO).

  2. Protection of Your Brand

    By filing a U.S. trademark, you can help protect your brand from being used by others and prevent legal disputes in the future. A US trademark solicitor can help you ensure that your trademark is unique and protectable, and guide you through the trademark registration process to secure your trademark rights in the U.S. market.

  3. Establishing a Legal Presence in the U.S.

    Working with a US trademark solicitor can help you establish a legal presence in the United States, which is important if you are looking to expand your business in the U.S. and want to protect your brand and reputation in this market. Your US trademark solicitor can help you file your U.S. trademark application and respond to any office actions from the USPTO.

  4. Gain a Competitive Advantage

    Filing a U.S. trademark can give you a competitive advantage in the U.S. market by helping you secure your brand and establish a legal presence in this market. A US trademark solicitor can help you understand the importance of filing a U.S. trademark and the steps you need to take to secure your trademark rights in the U.S. market.

Can I base U.S. Registration on a Foreign Registration?

Yes. You can file a U.S. application based on a foreign application or registration. This is known as filing a “Madrid Protocol” application, named after the Madrid Agreement Concerning the International Registration of Marks.

The Madrid Protocol allows trademark owners to apply for trademark protection in multiple countries, including the United States, through a single application filed with the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO). The trademark owner’s home country must be a member of the Madrid Protocol, and the foreign trademark application or registration must be in effect in the home country.

By filing a Madrid Protocol application, a foreign business can take advantage of the existing trademark protection in its home country and extend that protection to the U.S. market. This can be a cost-effective and efficient way to obtain trademark protection in multiple countries, as it avoids the need to file separate applications in each country.

However, it is important to keep in mind that the U.S. is a common law jurisdiction and has its own unique requirements and standards for trademark protection. As a result, it may be necessary to make some modifications to the foreign trademark application or registration to meet the requirements of U.S. trademark law.

For this reason, it is recommended to work with a US trademark solicitor who can help you understand the requirements of U.S. trademark law and assist you in filing a successful Madrid Protocol application. A US trademark solicitor can help you ensure that your trademark is protected in the U.S. market and can provide valuable guidance and support throughout the trademark registration process.

In conclusion, working with a US trademark solicitor is an essential step for foreign businesses looking to do business in the United States. Whether you are a small start-up or a large multinational corporation, a US trademark solicitor can help you protect your brand, avoid legal disputes, and succeed in the U.S. market. By working with an experienced US trademark solicitor, you can ensure that your trademark is protected and that you have the best possible chance of success in the U.S. market.